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Monday, March 28, 2016

Daily Tech Facts

  1.   Are you also the guy who is just tiered of the television and who loves to turn on the radio, find some good station and relax? Well did you know that it took 38 years for the radio to reach 50 million users… That might seem a lot but compared to the TV and the Internet, the radio is the slowest of them all. For the TV to reach 50 million users it only took 13 years and for the magical internet that we all use today it took only 4 years…trackadvertising1

  2.   In this age of technology we are all using smartphones and some of you might think that they are somehow new technology but did you know that the first ever smart phone was in fact a IBM Simon who have touchscreen, fax and calendar. It launched in 1993.IBM Simon

  3.   Here is another fact about the mobile phone industry and its about our all time favorite mobile, the Nokia 1100. We already know that this is the “undetectable” phone, or at least one of the hardest mobiles to break. The Nokia 1100 was made in Finland and holds the world record of the best-selling mobile phone of all time. Staggering 250 million units were sold, slightly ahead of Playstation 2.Nokia 1100

  4.   Most of the adults, exactly 91% of them have their mobiles within arm’s reach. In average they are checking them every hour, every single day.people-texting

  5.   We all use and love YouTube and lately we can see how much You Tube have grown. But did you know that every minute that passes, over 100 hours of video footage is uploaded and that number increases as the years pass.youtube-logo2

  6.   Are you a fan of emails? or are you just tired of all those spam emails that you get every single day? Well did you know that 97% of the emails that are send every single day are considered spam.spam-count

  7.   We are all witnesses of how far the society has gone, some even call us the technology zombie age, and they might be right. There are around 7 billion people on this planet, even more as we all know. 4 billion of us use mobile phone and only 3.5 billion of us use toothbrush.(I think there is an app for that)mobile-toothbrush

  8.   And at last on this list we have Apple, Hawlett and Microsoft. Can you guess what this thee giants have in common? Well when they were starting back in the old days they all started from nothing, they were all started in a garage and they all made computers.


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